Chris Gillard is a wonderful swing singer who genuinely adores the era of the Rat Pack and particularly Frank Sinatra. To say Chris is a Frank Sinatra tribute act does not do him justice. He must have listened to Frank’s recordings more times that the man himself, and it shows. What most Sinatra singers lack is ‘that swing,’ that imperceptible drop in timing that seduces the listener and drives the big band wild with enthusiasm. Chris has got that swing, just listen and you’ll hear.
Dean, Sammy, and the Rat Pack Frank Sinatra Tribute
People assume that many of the classic songs were sung by Frank, when in fact they were originally performed by other members of the famous Rat Pack. As part of your Frank Sinatra tribute act, Chris performs standards from Dean Martin, Sammy David Jr. in his set list.
Michael Bublé Tribute
There is no doubting the talent of Michael Bublé, often being compared to a young Frank Sinatra. But Bublé has a style all of his own, a timing and rhythm that is completely unlike that of Sinatra, and that’s his appeal. As part of your Frank Sinatra tribute, you can choose versions in the styles of Bublé and Sinatra.